True Service Orientation with SORCER

Michael Sobolewski


Service-oriented Mogramming Language (SML) is designed for service-orientation as UML was considered for object-orientation. SML is also an executable language in the SORCER platform based on service abstraction (everything is a service) and three d of service-orientation: context awareness (contexting), multifidelity, and multityping. Context awareness is related to parametric polymorphism, multifidelity is a form of ad hoc polymorphism, and multityping is a net-centric form of type polymorphism. SML allows for defining polymorphic service systems that can reconfigure and morph service collaborations at runtime to definite an emergent form with distinct constraints and heuristics. Here, emergence of service system refers to the appearance of higher-level properties and behaviors of collaborating service federations that come from the collective dynamics of that collaborating networked services and activity of service morphers that manage multifidelities at runtime. In this paper the basic concepts of SML with the three design patterns of service collaborations are presented. Its runtime environment is introduced with the focus on the three pillars of service-orientation.


true service orientation; consumer services; provider services; service mogramming language (SML); multifidelities; SORCER

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